December Blog

Well here it is my last blog of 2023. I can’t believe we are in December already, I usually make a Highlights Blog on what was my highlight throughout the year but I have had a brilliant November and I really can’t wait to tell you all about it. The Highlights blog will be back next year.

At the beginning of the month I heard Waxwings had been spotted at a park in Leith called Dalmeny Street Park. I arrived just before lunchtime. Sadly after staying for a hour and thirty minutes there was no sign but I went to St Margaret’s Loch at Holyrood Park as a Slavonian Grebe had been spotted there. When I arrived I saw Graylag Geese, Tufted Ducks, Mute Swans, Mallards & Black Headed Gulls. After a walk around I spotted the grebe, it was quite far away but to see it was very exciting.

One morning just after having breakfast I noticed this big bird above my neighbours tree, I thought it might have been a Redwing but when I looked through my telescope I noticed it wasn’t a Redwing but a Mistle Thrush which was great to see.

I heard that there was another Waxwing sighting at Sighthill Roundabout were I saw them last year so after lunch I headed there when I arrived there was no sign but 10 minutes later I spotted one on a tree and another turned up too so it was amazing to see them before they flew off.

I had another encounter with the Mistle Thrush in the back garden on the same tree which was exciting to see and I saw it on my neighbours roof too then flew to my front hedge eating berries.

I had another Waxwing encounter at a new park which I’ve never been before called Montgomery Street Park. It’s a great park there were lots of birds to see mainly Blue Tits, Long Tailed Tits, Woodpigeons & Blackbirds. But the main stars of course were the Waxwings that appeared on a tree just outside the park. There were five of them but one flew next to the tree I was standing at so I managed to get a great close up view. This has so far been my last Waxwing encounter but I’m certain I’ll see more .

On Tuesday I went to my local patch Cammo Estate Nature Reserve. It was great to be back after all my Waxwing encounters in town and I had a great morning birding the highlight was I saw my first Redwings of the year and whilst I was watching a Great Tit & a Robin a Nuthatch turned up my third sighting of one there, it really made my day.

Yesterday I spotted the Mistle Thrush again on my hedge enjoying the berries it turned up twice I’ve enjoyed watching it and I saw it again this morning.

This ends my last blog of 2023 and it’s been a great year I just can’t believe how fast it’s gone. I want to thank you for all your support and I hope you have a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.

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